The Whole Money Cycle Fluxion Thing

Thursday, March 18, 2010 at 7:42 PM
The money fluxion thing. Just follow the money. Watch how the money moves. Study the money. Find out where the money comes from, where its going, who gets the money and if they sit on it or move it. This is the money fluxion thing. The first thing you notice is that you can hardly touch the money, and if you do, it's not for long and it's not much much money. A person may properly ask, what's up with that? It's the money fluxion thing. Money moves like quicksilver which is umbrageous and makes you want to stuff the money in your wallet and sit on the money. But money goes where money moves. It's money when it's moving, but it's just paper when it's sitting still. That's the secret to the money fluxion thing: The less time money gets sat on, the more money there is. Just maybe not yours. But that's the money fluxion thing. You yearn, money burns. That's the money fluxion thing.

The Bolus Cramp

at 7:40 PM
The cramp has achieved full bolus. Many Americans are stove up, as in a general feeling of stoveupedness, with Bolus cramps. And they suffer a great malaise because these hezmatic clodular aggregations, the so-called "bolus", dratify the frequency rates of muscle perception. Recent data indicates that pervasive dratification is behind what we call jamus placebominius. And we do mean behind. This uberstruation usually occurs when you're travelling at cruising speed and then - bam! - you're not. Then the crush of a thousand couldashouldas per square fucking inch fulcrumizes your axites and dendrons, desynchronizes your brain stem from your netherness, and transmogrifies the medulla oblongata into a tasty gelatin. Of course then the expected happens: your vegas nerve spasms and your sphincter kerfuffles.
The cramp has achieved full bolus.

Dead or Crazy

at 7:36 PM

People who live in suburbs think the people who live downtown are crazy.
People who live downtown think the people living in the suburbs are dead.
They are both right.
But you have to ask yourself: wouldn't any sane person rather be crazy than dead?
Sure, if you're crazy, you maybe have a few embarrassing problems. At least - embarrassing to live people. People in the suburbs couldn't care less, cuz they're dead. But that's the good thing about being crazy: since you can't help it because you're deranged, you cut yourself a LOT of slack.
However, if you're dead, you can't even eat. or get laid. or misrepresent or insinuate or say wow! or declare bankruptcy and so you just lie there until the maggots pick you clean, even though your hair keeps growing for six weeks, usually.
So obviously, the people who are truly crazy are the suburbanites because they'd rather be dead than crazy. The logic is irrefutable. RIP equals OTP and being alive is insane.

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